Part 1: The Person Behind the Character

Your Name: Digital Sushi

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AIM Screen Name: digitalxsushix

Anything Else: Electronic Wasabi

Part 2: The Character

Name: Silke Alderman (ZIL-kuh ALL-der-man)

Meaning: Middle Class Heaven

Alias: Crazy German Chick.

Gender: She is Woman.

Birthday and Zodiac: May 1st, Taurus, because Red Bull gives you wings!

Theme Song: "Ride of the Valkyries", composed by Robert Wagner

Hobbies: Playing bass and singing in a band called Faulty Wiring; sleeping; confusing people; drinking; karaoke; going fast on anything with wheels and a motor, particularly her Ducati 998; bar fights; not paying attention in class.

Silke is built like a bishonen who had a sex change. She has a slender build only in the sense that she lacks the prominent breasts and hips that are typical in Nerima. Her shoulders are a bit broader than normal. Not to mention she's 5'11". She's long-waisted and leggy (all that height has to come from somewhere). Her fingers are long and agile due to a great deal of guitar playing, or lock picking. It's hard to tell. Silke is quite wiry and sinewy. Don't let her slenderness deceive you, she can easily pick up any average guy, throw him over her shoulder and march off purposefully saying something about claiming her pirate booty.

Her face is the only real feature that gives away that XX chromosome. She has an oval shaped face with a slightly squared-off chin. Her nose is probably the greatest gift from her parents, being neither too large nor too small. She has peach-colored lips that have amazing elasticity that can contort to phenomenal shapes for singing. Behind a pair of sleek, black-framed glasses she has hazel eyes that are sharp and piercing, accented by thick eyelashes. For body art, she has both eyebrows pierced, her earlobes and her bellybutton pierced, as well as a tattoo of "Ohm” on her left shoulder blade. Yes, the reasons for the multiple piercings and the tattoo involved large quantities of alcohol.

Silke has a deep alto voice, allowing her to sing a lot of songs written for men. It seems to fit her, height and all. When she speaks German, is doesn't sound harsh or angry, unless she is angry of course. She has a melodious and cheerful laugh, it never sounds false. If she ever wanted to, she could sing opera because she can project her voice better than a speaker system.

Generally Silke wears J-street type clothes like fitted shirts and flares. Sometimes she wears sweatshirts or tent pants, but usually because everything else is in the wash. She wears a lot of green shirts. About 90% of her shirts are green. It just happened that way. Silke prefers dark jeans with black leather belts, but she does own a few pairs of corduroy. Any of her clothes that are acquired while she's in Japan have to be special ordered, since she's so huge. Consistently, she wears sneakers that look to have survived both world wars and a Gibson EB0 bass guitar slung across her back. Also, she never wears the Furinkan school uniform.

Silke's summer and winter clothes don't stray too much from the usual. In the summer she might be found in a orange and yellow bikini top instead of an actual shirt, and sandals instead of sneakers. Like most people from her motherland, she doesn't mind nudity, her own or others. This is not in an innocent Shampoo way, it's a more like "I've spent my entire life visiting nude beaches in the summer and you want me to be shocked?" As for winter, she has a lambskin bomber jacket to keep her warm.

Silke doesn't have actual pajamas that were created to be pajamas. They are more like tee shirts and sports pants that she designated as pajamas. All her pants are heather gray flares. Her shirts vary from a sweatshirt left over from a boyfriend, to a Rammstein concert tee. Nothing sexy there. And nothing sexy underneath. Silke sticks to sports bras and boy-cut panties in random shades of everything but pastels.


  • Airsoft gun battles, a.k.a. shooting people with little yellow pellets. How can you not have fun with those? It's the big kid version of nerf toys. Silke has a knack for sharpshooting as well as sneak attacks. (Personally, I think it's from watching too many Bond movies as a kid.)
  • Silke's favourite bands/singers have to be Rammstein and Marilyn Manson. She isn't very good at singing metal rock, despite her husky voice, but she enjoys it nonetheless.
  • Silke finds autumnal rainy days soothing, and takes every chance possibly to enjoy them. She even has one of those funky 70s clear, bubble umbrellas. On these kinds of days, Silke often skips school just to walk around the city, watching everyone and everything. Visiting cafés and watching the rain hit the glass windows is also popular with her.
  • Spider-man. Not the movie one, the comic one. Silke thinks Spider-man is hot, and who can blame her? He's funny, not super bulked-up like Superman, sweet and a really nice guy. And he was bitten by a radioactive spider. Yes, I admit it. Silke is jealous of Peter Parker.
  • Dislikes:
  • People getting mad at her for speaking German is certainly on the top of her list. I mean, think about it. It wasn't her fault she was born there, was it? Neither is it their fault for being Japanese, and she doesn't get mad at them for it. In fact, she's very tolerant for Silke.
  • School uniforms are bad in Silke's book of life. They represent everything she hates, conformity, moderation and to some extent, her parents. She also associates them with the magazines and videos one of her band members had stashed in his room. Silke never wants to be paired with porno, thank you very much please come again have a nice day.
  • Despite her fondness for the excess orifices in her body, getting her piercings caught on stuff is downfall. The piercings themselves usually are fairly simplistic, but she has a few fancy ones for nights out and concerts. They still get caught on hair and fabric, which is extremely painful.
  • Most humans are omnivores, but Silke just doesn't like seafood. She'll eat anything else, including fried locusts (it was a bet), but she always draws the line at seafood. Sometimes she can stand a fresh-water fish, but rarely.
  • Personality:
    Now let's make it clear that Silke is the genuine article, a bona fide crazy German chick, fresh from Berlin. She is crazy even by crazy German standards. Thus, it is not mandatory that she makes sense. Ever. She should come with a Surgeon General's warning saying that being around Silke is dangerous for your health and to keep small children, pets and pointy objects away from her.

    When you first meet Silke, she'll probably look at you, blink innocently, and then seize you in the mother of all bear hugs. Well, if she likes you anyways. No telling what she might do if she doesn't like you. Since her entire Japanese vocabulary consists of "Hello," "How are you?" "I am fine," "Yes," "No," "Maybe so," "Good," "Bad," "Japanese/Japan," "German/Germany," and "Music," communication is a might difficult. Hand signals and grunts seem to be the best choice so far.

    Silke seems to be quite comfortable in groups, possibly because no one has dared chastised her for her outlandish deeds. It seems, to her, that the Japanese are a people of armrests, because that's what she does to anyone standing close enough. Heads and shoulders, as long as they don't have spiky hair or clothing. She doesn't participate much in conversation, unless she hears the word "music,” then she whips out her guitar and jams out "99 Luftballoons."

    Most people do something while they're by themselves, Silke prefers company twenty-four/seven. Yes, this does mean she pays people visits at two o'clock in the morning. She might sleep alone, but only if she really has to. Silke prefers bunking up with a person of either sex, as long as they sleep and have a bed.

    Her major hobbies consist of karaoke, drinking, bar fights, motorcycling and guitar, albeit not always in that order. Karaoke is popular for her since she does sing, and has a large library of English music memorized. Not to mention she sings in the band. Like most Germans, she has an ungodly alcohol tolerance and could drink the entire Yakuza under the table. Shortly after winning a few drinking games, and earning spending money, Silke will oft participate in a friendly bar fight. Naturally, she must start them since the Japanese are so well-mannered. Guitar, we've already covered. As for motorcycling, she just likes going fast. Really fast. When she's ninety and can't walk anymore, she'll have her wheelchair outfitted with a very large, fearsome motor. Her current bike is a Ducati 998, fast 'n' shiny goodness.

    Either due to the language barrier or her size, Silke love life is quite dead and buried. Which doesn't bother her in the least. In fact the only thing she wants between her thighs right now is her Ducati. But if she did want a man, this fact assumed, he'd have to either be German, speak German as a second language or understand her by her tone of voice. That's just a requirement, basic communication and all that. Next, he'd have to like or at least not hate rock music, motorcycles and Airsoft battles because if he didn't, he would not enjoy the Silke Experience. After that, it depends on the guy.

    Like everyone, Silke has her good points, her bad points and the just plain ugly points. (We don't let those out very often, they frighten children.) A good point is that somewhere beneath the piercings is a rather nice person. Unfortunately, this nice person enjoys a pleasant bar fight from time to time. But on a more serious note, Silke can be considerate and fun to be around. She doesn't hurt others unless others disses her. And she can cook. With Akane around, that's an especially good point. In the bad point column we have very short temper, especially when involving her Motherland, or Nazis. Silke is a normal person when it comes to this topic, she hates Nazis and I pray for the soul of anyone who dares call her one.

    Silke's battle style is very unique. Ranma has speed, Akane has the Mallet, Ryouga has power, Mousse has scary weapons that look like something from a BDSM shop, Shampoo has her Bust Through Solid Wall Action!™. Everyone has a strength. Silke has balance and finesse. Think of her guitar as a counterbalance, because that's how she uses it. The fact it can knock grown men out cold with a single hit is simple a bonus feature. She spends ninety percent of the time in the air, adjusting her trajectory with m4d G3rm4n sk1llz and her guitar. Silke depends on constant offensive attacks and has difficulty with some basics like... you know, dodging. But because of her frequent bar fights, she can take hits fairly well. I'm not saying Ranma couldn't defeat her. After all, he's the strongest character in the series. But she would definitely give him a run for his money.

    Silke's childhood was pretty much par. No extreme parents, weird uncles, or sibling jealously. Lacking a sibling helps immensely. She attended public school, making grades in the upper third and quarter. She lived life much like her moderate parents. But it's living life at such a boring level that often causes radicals and rebels. Silke got bored. She picked up learning the guitar and grew skilled enough to join a local band. Of course, these were the kind of people her parents didn't want her to hang out with, which made the choice all the more satisfying. During their little high schooler escapades, Silke gained her variety of piercings and tattoos as well as the discovery of her high alcohol tolerance.

    Then, one dark and stormy night, Silke and her friends decided to be exchange students in Japan. There was no reason behind this. It was because they could. So Silke signed up, and was sent to Nerima, with a minimal grasp of Japanese. Oh, those poor, poor Nermites.

    Other Characters:
    Like every good exchange student should, Silke has a host family: the Kunous.
  • Principal Kunou - (It is in general agreement that the head of the Kunou household's first name is a mystery, much like his son's used to be.) The Principal of Furinkan High has fairly recently returned from Hawaii, and thus gaining a Hawaiian accent and preference of clothing. All this was to "loosen up." When the Principal returned, he wanted every student in Furinkan to have uniform haircuts.
    To be honest, Silke is slightly afraid and disturbed by the surfing Principal. And she worries he might blackmail her into a school uniform. She avoids him when possible, which isn't hard. Even after returning from Hawaii, he still doesn't spend much time at the house.
  • Kunou Tatewaki a.k.a. The Blue Thunder - "I shall have you both!"
    Commonly called Upperclassman Kunou, he is captain of the kendo club and is known for his skills with a bokken. He's also famous for his great love for two women: Tendou Akane and the nefarious "Pigtailed Girl." (Most people call the mysterious Pigtailed Girl Saotome Ranma.) Thus leading into one of Kunou's weak points: common sense. Like his father, he hates Ranma, but only because he believes that he rapes the Pigtailed Girl or something kinky.
    Around Kunou, Silke is normal as Silke can get. She doesn't do anything frightening or drastic. Which is assumably good. When he talks to her she nods, as if she understood him (NOT), and at dinner she doesn't try to attack anyone with eel from her ramen. This is fine with Kunou, who believes she's a quiet, subdued German girl with strange hair.
  • Kunou Kodachi a.k.a. The Black Rose - "OHOHOHOHOH!"
    Kodachi is basically the female version of her brother, with longer hair, only loves one person and a degree in Gymnastic Martial Arts. She attends the all-girl school of St. Bacchus (for a reason) and spends her days seeking out her "darling Ranma."
    Most sane people are afraid of Kodachi. Silke thinks of Kodachi as the chick who needs to be taught a lesson. Obviously she has also taken it upon herself to do so. Silke has made it her own private mission to stop the rose blizzard fiend by making her life an absolute hell. Now I bet whoever's reading this understands why Silke is so normal around Kunou. If he doesn't believe she was the one who poured weed killer on Kodachi's roses, who will?

  • Martial Arts Style: Martial Rock and Roll

    Weapon of Choice: Cherry-red Gibson EB0 bass guitar, 1965 model.

    Part 3: The Curse

    Frankly, m'dear, I don't give a damn.

    Part 4: The Equalizer

    RPG Experience: Okay. You asked for it.

  • 1998 - Sailor Moon Universe Chatroom, general anime and role-playing.
  • 1999 - Sailor Moon Universe Chatroom, general anime and role-playing; Pokémon RPG, PBEM; Viper Academy for the Gifted, original PBEM; Senshi Academy, Sailormoon PBEM.
  • 2000 - Sailor Moon Universe Chatroom, general anime and role-playing; Pokémon RPG, PBEM; Viper Academy for the Gifted, original PBEM; Senshi Academy, Sailormoon PBEM; The Rose Conspiracy, original message board; Star Wars, message board; Creami Senshi, Sailormoon PBEM; Sailormoon: Star Wars, crossover fanfiction.
  • 2001 - Sailor Moon Universe Chatroom, general anime and role-playing; Senshi Academy, Sailormoon PBEM; Creami Senshi, Sailormoon PBEM; The Paradox Condundrum, Sailormoon PBEM; Angel Synthesis, Sailormoon crossover PBEM/fanfiction; Jumi Senshi RPG, Sailormoon crossover PBEM; Joint Effort, original PBEM; Freedom Fighters Special Unit, Sonic the Hedgehog message board; The Legend of Zelda: Senshi of the Triforce, LoTZ crossover PBEM.
  • 2002 - Senshi Academy, Sailormoon PBEM; Kouseitani no Karada, original PBEM; Ranma Nibunnoichi, PBEM; Joint Effort, original PBEM; Angel Synthesis, Sailormoon crossover PBEM/fanfiction; Freedom Fighters Special Unit, Sonic the Hedgehog message board; The Legend of Zelda: Time Warp, LoTZ PBEM; Come What May, Harry Potter PBEM.
  • 2003 - Knights of Destiny, DnD AIM chat; Neo Senshi Academy, Sailormoon PBEM; Ranma Nibunnoichi, PBEM; Angel Synthesis, Sailormoon crossover PBEM/fanfiction; Freedom Fighters Special Unit, Sonic the Hedgehog message board; Broken Fairy Tales, Sailormoon crossover PBEM; The M.A.I.M.E.D. Project, Akira/Jet Set Radio Future; KAOS vs. CONTROL, Get Smart PBEM; Come What May, Harry Potter PBEM.

    Writing Sample:
    "My dear brother Kuno, are you sure you don't want the sign?" Kodachi asked, glancing at the arrival/departure board in the concourse, limply holding on to a rough tagboard sign bearing the inscription: "SILKE ALDERMAN WELCOME TO JAPAN!"

    "Surely I will be able to recognize her on the spot," replied Kunou, gloating with this new trinket, triumph and trophy to display at school, whilst shifting his weight and leaning on his bokken.

    At that precise moment, the sign above the gangway lit up, "4:15 PM FRANKFURT-TOKYO ARRIVED," and a line of travel-weary people streamed into the airport.

    Somewhere in the midst of the gaggle, a small brawl broke out between a pair of German teenagers. The girl, who was easily a head taller than most of Japan, had chestnut hair with what would be neat and concise blonde streaks if at the moment she wasn't upside down and winding up to swing a shining, cherry-red Gibson EB0 bass guitar. Her face was twisted into something best described as manic glee, rather than portraying irritation or anger. (Which is what one would assume she would be feeling, considering she's readying to eviscerate a man with a guitar.) As for the German male, clothed in a ratty tee shirt and ripped jeans that displayed his many tattoos, had found a convenient flight attendant to use as a human shield. Apparently, he thought that her bosom was the best handle for this particular shield. The girl managed to only clip the human shield, knocking the poor woman out cold, yet successfully making her useless to the male at the same time.

    "Silke! War nur ein Witz!" he shouted, words broken with laughter.

    "Jawohl!" the teen, now officially named Silke, replied after making a quick hop-step to land. She wound up for a second swing, approaching her victim. Or prey. It didn't really matter to Silke, even though she likes to narrate herself.

    "Nien!" he curled up in a fetal position, mocking defeat.

    "Gewinne ich?" she asked, a somewhat sane expression on her face. "Tut's dir leid, Taco?"

    Taco nodded vehemently, a picture of false penitence. "Jaja!"

    Silke paused, as if contemplating painting the walls with gray matter or... well, something else, "Also." She pointed to another teenager down the ramp, "Jetzt spiel Greif die Titten mit Hilde. Sie hat es eigentlich gern."

    He grinned, jumping up and dashing down the gray, generic carpets to maul the girl Silke had pointed at.

    Now that she had distracted Taco, Silke looked around, slightly confused at not seeing her name on any sign (which, thankfully, all used the alphabet she was familiar with) decided to continue walking in case her host family was late and were on their way, or they were waiting further down the concourse.

    In the meanwhile, the Kunous watched every passenger from the airline pass by, Kunou stopping all the shorter, blonde girls asking if they were "Ziruke Areduman." Eventually he ran out or exchange students and the family was left standing alone in the terminal.

    Principal Kunou smirked, "You be recognizin' her on da spot, yah?"
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    Silke Alderman is © Digital Sushi, in November 2003, and was created for the Ranma 1/2: Another Story RPG which is © Guelph. Ranma 1/2 / Ranma Nibunnoichi is © Takahashi Rumiko, Shogakukan, Inc., Studio Deen, Viz, LLC, etc.