j e w e l h u n t e r c a t h e r i n e i s h i n o

Name: Catherine Ishino
Meaning: (No actual meaning, she had an American mother and a Japanese father.)
Nicknames: Cat, Kitty, Alley Cat, Meow, Cliché Magnet.
Age: 18
Birthdate: December 15th
Blood Type: A+
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Likes: Sleep, rainy days, tea, big comfy chairs, walking around in her underwear, chatting, books, writing (including song lyrics and poetry), and yoga.
Dislikes: Uptight people, being outside when it’s hot (83º+), dresses, and her unstable computer.
Gemstone: Cat’s Eye/Chrysoberyl
Colors: Gray, Green
Fears: Crowds (mosh pit), her father, and falling.
Strengths: Mellow, doesn’t depend on others, eloquent.
Weaknesses: Men (she had a series of loser boyfriends, bitten once, twice shy) and doesn’t pay attention to consequences.
Height: 5'4" (Hey, for a part Japanese person, that's tall.)
Weight: 113 lbs.

History: Cat lived with her mother and brother until a couple months after she turned 18, when she got fed up and left. Her parents always favoured her younger brother, he was always better at something than her. (Except writing, but her parents didn’t care about that.) Her father often swore at her and slapped her if she didn’t do as well as her brother at something. She was too afraid to say anything to anyone, her mother never said anything. Luckily, her parents divorced when she was 15 and she lived with her mother and brother for three years. Cat’s father often “forgot” or “didn’t have enough money” to send support checks, so the family sometimes went without enough food for awhile. Cat got a job at a local bookstore when she was 16 so they could at least get a cheap hamburger or something. When not working, she’d write. She’d write of everything that she wanted to be. Mostly fantasy/science fiction. When she was 17, she ran into a series of loser boyfriends and now she pretends she doesn’t care about romance. (Actually she wants a knight in shining armor to come and save her, but I really doubt that’s happening anytime soon.)

Her social life was very bleak from her elementary school years to the beginning of high school. People were usually cruel to her because she wore glasses and she *liked* to read and write. Her father gave her no sympathy, he just told her to “toughen up, b*tch” and mum simply gave her more books to read and notebooks to write in to “take her mind off of it.” Cat did toughen up, she got to the point were she hardly gave a care about what people thought. Except about her writing, she’s very sensitive about that. Very few people have even read any of her stories or poetry. In her high school years, she made friends with some people who were a lot like her, didn’t give a crap about what other people thought and they had the intelligence Cat felt comfortable speaking with. (Meaning, they know what a romance language is, etc.) Since she moved away, Cat has few friends. She has some online, but none of them live near her so she can’t go see them.

She started to really write when she was about eight. She devoured books, taking in everything she could in and outputting in her writing. She kept everything, occasionally taking an old work and rewriting it. Cat’s specialty is depressing poetry. Although, she does write a good epic now and then. (Her favourite is called “Desert Wanderer”.)

Currently, she's making most of her money off working at the book store. Cat enters her "appropriate" writings to as many contests as possible, and winning quite a few. There's a possibility a romance of hers will be published, also. She lives in a small house on the fringe of town.

Personality: As her nickname suggests, she does have the general personality of a cat. Aloof, gives conditional love, and graceful. Cat's usually quiet, unless she's talking to someone she likes/trusts. Her voice is quiet and has a soothing quality, enforcing her her laid back personality.

She normally avoids casual chitchat with people, only because she really hates those long pauses that occur when both parties run out of things to say. Most people rarely notice her, and if so, it's because of her beauty. When you actually do get her to talk, she's actually very good at the art on conversation. She rarely is rude (or at least, not on purpose,) unless a guy says a stupid/gross pick-up line and then she believes they deserve to be flipped off.

Temperment wise, Cat has a fuse the length of the United States. She rarely, if ever, becomes angry and that would only happen if she blew her father to bits and he came back or if someone grabbed one of her notebooks and started reading without asking/checking with her. Then you better have a will written out ‘cause she will smash you to bits. I’m not kidding here, be warned!

She hates being depended on or being asked to lead, she feels like she could let everyone down, despite her "I don't give a care," attitude. Cat is also a bit of a space cadet and has a lousy memory, so don't ask her to remember something.

Physical Appearance: Her body structure is sleek and curvy. Because of her yoga exercises, she has a very fit body. She is of average height, 5'4." Her hair is cut at her jawbone, sometime varying in length ‘cause she gets bored and will grow it out a bit, or cut it. Her hair is a pretty celedon colour, (She loves it, she gets so many compliments and she just soaks it up. But if she didn’t, she probably wouldn’t care.) with dark, stormy gray eyes. Some days, her eyes match the clouds. (It looks really neat when it does.) She wears clear contacts in public and at home she wears glasses. Her skin is a medium Caucasian, even in tone from lack of sun. (No farmer’s tan.) She has light freckles, barely noticeable. She is always wearing her cat’s eye necklace, given to her by a psychic when she was going to work.

Normally, Cat prefers flared jeans and long sleeved shirts. Usually in the colour range of blacks and grays, occasionally gray-blue or gray-green. Sometimes she wears what she refers to as her PMS shirts, black, short sleeved shirts with a phrase on the front. (They’re usually something like “Your village called, their idiot is missing.” etc.) She has big army boots. And she loves them to death. (Just stay away from the boots, man, you could get killed that way!) Cat’s fave pair are steel-toed. She doesn’t wear them often cause she sometimes trips and stubs her toe but good. She has a black, angora poncho that she wears over everything in the fall and winter. (It’s really soft, people like to pet her shoulder when she wears it. ^^;)

There is one thing Cat really hates in clothing, swimsuits. It is one blessed day is you see Cat in a swimsuit. (She has one, it’s a gray bikini.) She thinks that she looks ugly in a swimsuit and will simply sit by the pool with a book. (Fully clothed.)

Empowered: Obsidian used the cat’s eye jewel in Cat’s necklace.
Element: Sorrow/Loneliness
Power 1: Abandonment Requiem! - Cat whispers this, while holding out her necklace, the jewel facing the target. The jewel emits a lonely song so heartfelt that the target is overcome by depression and is useless in combat.
Power 2: Bastet’s Sight - On any night but a new moon, Cat can use her cat’s eye to “see” the location of a fellow Jewel Hunter.
Why?: When Obsidian offered Cat the power, she thought of her stories. If she could see real gore and death, wouldn’t her stories be even better?
Other: Cat is a decent physical fighter, but most people would be able to over power her with mass weight. She could probably seduce a Jumi knight if he didn’t know she was a Jewel Hunter.

Cat was chosen to be a Jewel Hunter because of magical aptitude.

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