Part I: Mundane

Name: Sushi

Email address:

AIM: mixmastermeimei

Part II: The Basics

Name: Sajin Enjaku (SAH-gin en-JAH-koo)

Meaning: Sajin - cloud of sand or dust, an eccentric person, a tea ceremony master; Enjaku - death of Buddha, nirvana/satori. “The nirvana of an eccentric person.” (That might be pushing it...)

Nicknames: Suphi, Moth, Camo, Jinni, Djinn

Angel Name: Suphlatus

Tenshi Class: The Angel of Sand and Dust

Tenshi Ranking: Aerial

Element: Sand/Dust

Color: Tan

Hair: Dishwater blonde

Eyes: Burnt sienna

Height:  5’4”

Weight: 124 lbs.

Appears to be Age: 18-20


  • birthdays - Despite her general aloofness and apparent indifference, Sajin thinks birthdays are just loads of fun and will take any opportunity to celebrate one. She takes a great deal of time and thought into gifts and whether or not the person would kill her if she threw a party. If she really likes the person, she’ll sacrifice herself the the Steve, the God of Ovens, and try to bake a cake.
  • sneaking into movies - Sajin does it for the stupid thrill, to think of ways to get around paying obscene prices for movies. Although she usually sneaks into movies that she doesn’t really wants to see. It’s more of the “because I can” factor.
  • playgrounds - Particularly swings and sandboxes. Sajin likes the breeze in her hair on the swing and seeing how high she can go. Even though she’s used to heights, she never jumps off unless she’s two feet above the ground, and sometimes not even then. She doesn’t like how her stomach plummets. She likes playing in sandboxes because it’s familiar to her, and it makes her feel safe.
  • informative books and articles - Sajin likes to know what’s going on, she likes being omnipotent when it comes to knowledge, then she can always play devil’s advocate in arguments.
  • fantasy novels - Although her life is much like a fantasy novel, Sajin likes to escape reality from time to time. She doesn’t like most other novels because they’re too realistic and too harsh. She just wants something with a happy ending and a prince and princess.
  • tai chi - The first time Sajin saw tai chi, she immediately thought to herself, “I absolutely have to be able to do that!” So after a few months of classes, she is quite the expert. Every morning, right at 10 o’clock, Sajin does her tai chi, and then probably goes back to sleep. It centers her and clears her mind.
  • oil painting - Sajin, like most people, feels the need to create something with her own hands. Oils fit Sajin’s taste since they’re muted colours. She likes to paint the gardens and the harbor.
  • playing the harp - Like most Angels, Sajin has the innate ability to play the harp. She doesn’t play often (apparently, since her harp is usually under a pile of clothes...) and only in the evening with the crickets and cicadas. Sajin plays celtic style music most of the time.
  • taking Kohaku our for “mind-broadening” - Sajin feels its her duty to keep Kohaku from becoming a philistine. This usually includes stuff Sajin wants to see and do, but not alone, like morris dancing, naval gazing, various festivals and celebrations, concerts of all types, and trips to museums, galleries, wiccan covens and zen centers.
  • wind chimes - They’re just plain pretty and nice to listen to. Sajin has twenty or so wind chimes out on the porch and several outside her window.
  • pictionary, charades, and catchphrase - they’re just fun.
  • sewing - Sajin doesn’t really sew, she mutilates store-bought clothing. She does the hemming and whatnot, but very little actual making of seams. But “mutilating clothing” seems to start people on the wrong foot, so she says she sews.
  • romantic comedies - They’re sweet, another break from the ordinary. Straight romances are too heavy for Sajin, and comedies usually consist of fart jokes. They’re also a good excuse to sneak into the movie theater.
  • walking around in her underwear - Sajin’s walking around in her camisole and panties less of a “like” and more of a “just is.” She does it for the same reason some people prefer wearing shorts over pants, or why some people wear socks all the time.
  • writing poetry - Another outlet for Sajin. She writes cryptic, erotic poetry. She tends to write using non-tangible words and her descriptions are vague yet potent. Overall, her writing is nothing out of the ordinary.
  • peppermint breath - Except toothpaste peppermint doesn’t count. Sajin is just... odd. If she smells peppermint breath, she’ll get in peoples’ faces sniffing. Which confuses them to no end, I’ll tell you!
  • swing dancing with Einen - Sajin likes the rhythm of the music and the dance moves. (Being thrown in the air is fun!) Nothing deep.

  • Dislikes:
  • misleading novel covers and synopses - They just bug her. Like typos. They’re great big companies, and they can’t even spell “garbage” right? Or remember that the main character is a brunette, not a redhead?
  • thunder and lightning - Scaresville. Big boomy-explodey noises with bright flashes of light that can blow up trees? Sajin is terrified of thunder and lightning. She hides under her bed and refuses to move until she can’t hear anymore thunder. If her bed isn’t nearby, she’ll probably hide behind the nearest person.
  • showers - Standing up with water running over her isn’t Sajin’s thing. She likes to lie there and soak. (But not getting pruney.) Sajin doesn’t like worrying about slipping and falling over, and she’s noticed that people are more likely to walk in if your having a shower.
  • philistines - Annoying people.
  • charm bracelets - She thinks they’re stupid. Little, ugly bits of metal attached to your wrist. One thing Kohaku will never get from her.
  • bodice-ripper novels - Annoying people read annoying books. They’re just glorified sex, and she hates them. The rednecks of the libris world. Sajin also thinks they’re for middle-aged women who’s hubby doesn’t have a substantial tool, so they get off on badly written porn.
  • people cracking their bones - It just sounds wrong.
  • being touched - Sajin just hates being touched by people. Common contact (hands touching) or accidental is okay. But affectionate and intentional touch is a major no-no.
  • flat pillows - Might as well sleep on the floor if you have a flat pillow. Sajin likes pouffy pillows, and lots of them.
  • hamsters - Hamtaro is Satan. That’s all I can say about that.
  • her handwriting - It’s scrawly, spidery and really hard to read. She has a hard time reading it.
  • love - Yes, she likes others’ romances, but she firmly believes there is no one for her and will probably eat her words soon.
  • when you're not sure if you need milk or not but you're afraid to leave the gas station without buying any - I think this one explains itself.

  • Activities: Oil painting, sleeping, harp playing, and sewing.

    Favorite Foods: Rice, beignets, and tofu.

    Hated Foods: Tex-Mex food, boiled anything, and artichokes.

    Favorite Colors: Deep red.

    Gemstone: Hematite.

    Favorite Animals: Red pandas, penguins, cats, hedgehogs, and squirrels.

    Favorite Type of Music: Emo music.

    Aspirations: Stop her toast from landing butter side down.

    Theme Song: “Missing” by Everything But The Girl

    Describe in One Word: Mellow

    Job: Sajin works at the Hyper Tokyo Lush store. Lush is a place where one can buy handmade, gourmet soaps and other body products. Needless to say, the chapel is stocked with all sorts of nice shampoos and handsoaps. Sajin is the cashier, although she only works on the “slow” days. (Slow meaning there are more living people at a cemetery.) Sakakibara Chikyuu and Midori own the shop, and one is always there when Sajin is working. There aren’t any other people who work there, it’s a very small store. Sajin rarely sees customers, but she gets along best with artsy types. Lush is a hippie/bohemian store, which suits Sajin perfectly, so she has yet to run into a customer she didn’t mind. She works Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, getting minimum wage. It can be guaranteed she’ll spend it all on something for Einen or Kohaku. The store is near the chapel, one of the reasons Sajin applied there, so she rides her bike there or braves a ride in Einen’s car.

    Part III: Appearance

    Sajin has a well-rounded build, similar to a belly dancer. No bony asses here, nor another member of AA (Anorexics Anonymous). She has the classic pear-shape build, native to most women, with toned legs and slender arms. Since Sajin is of average height, her body doesn’t look mismatched. Her shoulders are sloped, making her neck look longer than it actually is. A few notable features are; her rather full chest, a C cup is a rarity in Japan, her cute toes, and her extraordinarily deep belly button. Because of her dancer-like build, Sajin tends to move smoothly and without any jerky movements. (The exception is, of course, when she’s startled or frightened.) She walks like a super model on the runway, one foot in front of the other. This tends to accent the swing of her hips. Also, she rarely trips or falls. Sajin invariably smells like almond. She could just come out of a shower after using raspberry-scented shampoo and soap, and she’ll still smell of fragrant almond.

    Faintly Egyptian in color, Sajin has smooth and creamy skin with hardly any blemishes at all, except her symbol. Sajin’s symbol is a clockwise turning spiral below her left eye. She tans like mad, so she avoids sunlight due to the beach bunny effect she gets. Her hair is a few shades lighter than her skin, and is best described as dishwater blonde. The color might remind computer junkies of a darker version of the putty color used for computer shells. Its almost down to her mid-thigh when wet, but it possesses a strange fluffiness when dry. The texture of her hair is... odd. It is always stringy, a particular strand is quite stubborn and hangs in the middle of her face. Her hair is very thick and a bit coarse. Sajin has multiple styles for it, although she’s very lazy and tends to just let it free and wild. She has been known to wrap ribbons or muslin around sections to make ponytails/pigtails or similar to Witch Hunter Robin’s hair.

    Her eyes are lucid and narrow, giving the onlooker the sense that she just woke up. The color is Crayola crayon perfect “burnt sienna.” Sajin has thick, short eyelashes and thin, angled eyebrows. Sajin’s face is shield-shaped with sharp cheekbones and chin. Her nose commonly labeled as “cute,” due to it’s slightly upturned nature. Combined with her eyes, Sajin’s face is quite unusual and exotic. Her eyes are slightly on the small side with only one piercing in the lobe. She has full lips with no indentation in the upper lip. If one were to touch them, they’d be dry and supple, without being harsh and scratchy. No matter how much chapstick Sajin uses, they’re always dry. She has small hands. Most people have bigger hands than she. Her fingers are slightly longer than normal. They still have some baby fat on them, preventing from the “skeletal hands” look. As aforementioned, Sajin is rather busty, not to the point of falling over, but still ample and shapely. Finally, Sajin has a deep yet melodious voice with a slight accent that reminds the listener of the Far East. She rarely raises her voice and tends to speak softly. If she ever sung, it would be in a lovely alto. ( Think of Van Tomiko from Do As Infinity, but softer. ) She also tends to talk like a beatnik from time to time.

    Common Attire: Sajin basically made up her own style; an interesting blend of bohemian, gothic, punk, raver, with a dash of Buddhist monk. Generally, her outfits consist of mutilate-- I mean modified yoga pants or jeans that are flared at the cuff. Her pants tend to be on the long side and sit low on her hips. Mostly because she doesn’t believe in the use of belts. She likes naval-bearing off-the-shoulder shirts that actually match her pants. Sajin wears thong, reed sandals 90% of the time, a pair of beat up skateboarder sneaker fill the last 10%. Sometimes she dresses more gothically or like a raver, depending on her mood. Sajin likes dark, rich colours like reds, purples, blues and greens. As accents, she wears black, gray and khaki. Her favourite outfit is a muslim shirt dyed in a coral red with an off-the-shoulder neck and three-quarter sleeves. The neck has a “V” cut into it and spiral embroidery in red and beige. The pants are khakis that have been cut into strips up to her knees, accompanied by her usual sandals.

  • Make Up: On the whole, Sajin likes burgundy eyeshadow and some eyeliner to bring out her tattoo, since it already looks like a gothic make-up style. She prefers wild berry chapstick over lipstick, but she wears boysenberry-coloured lipstick for nightly outings.
  • Part IV: Personality

    Sajin is mellow, almost unbelievably mellow. Especially compared to the other Angels, who burst with vibrant character. Sajin blends into the background. Sometimes people don’t even notice she’s there. She always has a smidgen of a smile on her face, as if she knows something you don’t. Which, nine times out of ten, is true. She’s a very complacent person. She’s happy with her lot in life. Her motto is, “Don’t want what you don’t or can’t have, want what you do have.” Sajin takes things as they come. She doesn’t about what has happened or what will happen.

    She doesn’t make friends easily, and around people she doesn’t know, she’s even quieter than usual. It takes a lot of effort to bring her out, and even then she isn’t very open. When she does make friends, she’s very loyal. Although deep inside herself, she worries that they’ll just use her and lose her, just like Zephon.

    As aforementioned, being a very laid-back person, Sajin lets confrontation wash over her. She doesn’t reflect moods like most people. She never antagonizes people, and if anything, she’s more apt to calming them down. Sajin’s a natural psychologist, helping people work out problems with others and themselves.

    Few things bother Sajin, and even then people rarely notice them. The most visible is when someone says, “I know you,” or something of the sort, claiming to know what Sajin would do. She despises that with a passion, she feels nobody can know her, no one wants to and no one should. The second is people touching her. Being bumped into on the street it okay, because they didn’t mean to bump into her specifically. She seldom says anything about it except when it’s really freaking her out. When someone touches Sajin without permission, her eyes get unusually wide and her face pales. People hardly ever notice.

    Sajin is a background person. She doesn’t stick out, people hardly notice her. She has a few friends, who actually interact with her, and the others like the other Aerials, she’s just there. Her comments are usually well-chosen, and she laughs easily. She’s the kind of person who laughs at people, and they just can’t take it personally. She’s just laughing to laugh. Notably, she rarely shares inner emotions or experiences unless asked head-on. And even then it takes some cajoling to get it out of her. Sajin doesn’t want to impede on other peoples opinions, and she doesn’t think anyone cares for them.

    As for Einen, Sajin is very confused. She thinks she has feelings for him, but she doesn’t know what and on what scale. She’s never been in love before, mind you, she doesn’t know if it’s a crush or something real. Even then, she would never act on them unless she was positive they would be returned. In other words, she’s completely oblivious to Einen’s affections. To her, he seems as nice as he is to her to Eki and the other girls. Ohjiro acts very similar to Einen, so Sajin figures a lot of Earth guys act like that.

    Sajin is actually one of the Angels who wants to stay on Earth. Fighting demons every now and then isn’t so bad compared to the loneliness she faced back in Heaven. The other Angels, she doesn’t get along with them very well, being a not too social person. She likes being with Einen, Kohaku and Ohjiro more than anything, and she’s trying to figure out how to stay on Earth.

    Since Sajin loves to illusion herself, she thinks she doesn’t want or need a boyfriend. In actuality, she can’t stand by herself much longer. Nobody wants to be alone, Sajin thinks she just needs friends. But she never tells anyone anything about herself. The perfect guy for her would be supportive and kind. Make her laugh. They wouldn’t have to go out of their way just to be together. And of course, he’d actually love her, and tell her that everyday. After Zephon, Sajin’s insecurities have increased tenfold.

    Her perfect day would start at ten o’clock with her daily tai chi, then back to bed until noon. She’d eat ramen for lunch and then read a book. Maybe some unscheduled card playing with Einen. She’d nap in the garden for a while, then convince Einen to help her put a swing up. (She’d claim it was for Kohaku.) Dinner somewhere in there, and then bedtime.

    Emo rock, also known as whiny guy music, seems to fit Sajin very well over all. Which is probably why she likes it. She likes hearing someone other than girls whine about stuff.

  • Suphi - shorter form of Suphlatus. Well, Angels in Heaven are lazy and didn’t like saying out “Suphlatus.” Everyone up there calls her that.
  • Moth - Look at what colours Sajin is. She’s tan and brown. Moths are tan and brown. This is probably her favourite nickname.
  • Camo - Sajin blends into the scenery quite easily. Someone once said, “Hey! I didn’t even notice you were there! You’re like your own camouflage.” So people just started calling her Camo.
  • Jinni - Einen’s nickname for her, since one of his fave shows is “I Dream of Jeannie.”
  • Djinn - See above.
    Her favourite word has to be “umlaut,” hands down. It just sounds fun. Say it with me “uuuuumlaaaaaaauuuuuttttt!” She’ll often say “umlaut” during periods of silence, or make cricket chirping noises.

    Day Life: Sajin’s daily life is more influenced by what Einen and Kohaku are doing than anything else. Usually on Tuesdays and Wednesdays she goes to work for one shift. If the weather is unkind, she stays inside. At least once a week she takes Kohaku out to something. Very flexible and boring.

    Night Life: Her nightly life follows the rules of her daily life. Sometimes Ohjiro takes her to FuuDou. Most of the time she sleeps.

  • Part V: Her Room

    Sajin’s room is the largest of the bedrooms, which is a good thing because almost every inch of floor space is buried in stacks of books with a thin path to her bed. The walls are whitewashed and the floor is thinly carpeted with a rug. Although it’s harder to tell with the floor. There’s a floor-to-ceiling, multi-paned window on the wall facing the outside, Sajin draped it with heavy blankets to block out the light. Her bed is next to the window and left-hand corner, usually unmade. Sajin has hoarded five or six pillows. In the space between her bed and the right-hand corner, Sajin has deposited her clean clothing in neat piles, and her dirty clothing right next to them. Somewhere under her dirty clothes is her harp. On the right-hand wall there is a giant bookcase, stuffed to capacity. Possibly there’ll be an easel with an oil painting of some sort in whatever space she can find. The books that cover most of Sajin’s room are a complete set of encyclopedias, an unabridged dictionary, holy books of most religions, world history books, Japanese history and cultural books, a couple stacks of National Geographic books, Time magazines, fantasy books. If someone was sneaky, or very good at looking, they’d find a small stack of shoujo manga. She likes her room, it’s untidy without being dirty or unhealthy looking. (I mean, come on, it’s mostly books...) It’s very cozy, despite it’s whitewashed walls and ceiling and white bedclothes. She goes there to escape from her problems, or in some cases, thunder and lightning.

    Part VI: Senshi

    "I am the Angel of Sand, Suphlatus. Prepare to return to Dust."

    Suphlatus: Suphi’s appearance changes ever so slightly in that her skin has the texture of very fine sand paper. She isn’t very strong, so she mostly uses strategy in battles, figuring out what the enemies’ weakness is and so on and so forth. Her fighting style employs only her legs, she uses her rake for balance and leverage.

    Symbol: A clockwise spiral that is below her left eye.

    Wings: Her wings are medium and fat, kind of like cherub wings. They’re like white sand in color and texture, including the mottled appearance of sand. They are technically one jointed, much like hummingbird wings. This gives Suphi a lot of maneuverability.

    Halo: Suphi’s halo is a ring of sand that floats in a dysfunctional loop.

    Fuku: Her fuku consists of an oversized dress strapped to her body with beige linen, from mid-breast to mid-hip and gloves made from similar wrappings. Her sandals are cork wedges with linen wrappings up to her knees. Her accessories include a scarf and a pointless garter on her right thigh.


    Background Music: “Mysterious Groove” by Scott Peeples
    "Suphlatus Wings On!"
    Sajin cries out her attack phrase and her wings burst from her back. The feathers that fly after her wings appear slashes her clothing off. Then a swirl of sand begins at her feet and forms her fuku. Her rake appears and Suphi takes her end pose after twirling around once.


  • Offense: Wasteland Fallout
    • Suphlatus spins her rake, moving it from in front of her to to her left, calling, “Wasteland,” and then she stamps the rake. There’s a great rumble from behind her as particles of dust fall in thick waves, covering her opponent in it. The dust can burn the skin off youma and irritate the hell out of greater enemies.
  • Offense: Piercing Dust
    • Suphlatus pulls her hand back behind her ear and shouts, “Piercing Dust!” A whirlwind of dust forms around her hand and she launches it forth at her opponent. The damage can range from decapitation to being knocked back twenty feet.
  • Offense/Weapon: Desolation Sphere
    • She calls this attack and a sphere forms around to top of her rake. She takes the sphere and chucks it at the enemy, making a big explosion and destroying everything in a ten foot radius.
  • Offense: Desert Shatter
    • Suphlatus stamps her rake then points the tip at the ground. Waves and dune of sand appear over the ground and then it shatters like glass, either swallowing the enemy into the earth or cutting it’s legs to shreds.
  • Defense: Sand Wall
    • She plants her hand on the ground in front of her and shouts, “Sand Wall!” A huge, churning wall of sand springs up around Suphlatus. This can be pierced by sand/dust attacks and water attacks.
    Weapon: A rake, one of those wooden ones you get with zen garden kits.
  • Part VII: Others

    Kiketsu Einen, Horodrim Black Cloak: (Since Sushi hasn't gotten this far, Einen shall describe himself.)
    Einen: *ahem* "Einen Kiketsu, the charming man with devilish good looks that seduces sajin"

    Kiketsu Kohaku, Horodrim: (Ditto here.)
    Kohaku: my name is Kohaku and I'm an alcoholic! Er...mommy? What's an alcoholic again? Wait! I LIKE RAMEN NOODLES!

    Araechiel, Angel of Cobwebs: Suphi’s only Angel friend. Her fuku consists of a gray body suit with spiderweb patterned drapes from her hip to her ankle, wrist to wrist, and beneath her chin. Arachiel is moody, loud and tends to boss people around, despite her rank. She doesn’t act like she cares about Suphi, but has been known to send a message now and then.

    Takakura Ohjiro, Horodrim White Cloak: Reformed party animal, likes video games and girls. Ohjiro is very unsure of everything since he accidentally got a girl pregnant. He tends to be very uneasy and polite. The Horodrim who found Sajin when she first landed. Likes to visit Sajin when he can, and take her out. Ohjiro thinks that Einen is keeping her at the chapel. He has a gangly build and his hair is celery-colored and spikey. Usually looks like a raver who accidentally bought some clothes from the Gap.

    Suzuhara Takeo, Human: Nerdy, nervous guy who found Sajin. He still thinks she’s an amnesiac, along with his sister. Takeo works at a warehouse in the Shinjuku prefecture. He has limp red hair and gray eyes. Usually he wears ratty tee shirts and jeans with work boots. At first he liked Sajin, but his preferences changed and now is trying to get Eki on a date.

    Suzuhara Takako, Human: Cynical, sarcastic girl who found Sajin. Secretly likes Ohjiro.

    Sakakibara Midori, Co-Owner of Lush: Of the Sakakibara twins, Midori has the longer hair, practically the only way you can tell them apart. She prefers animal conservation projects. Although they both talk way too much about saving the Earth. (Sajin figures she’s already doing her part.)

    Sakakibara Chikyuu, Co-Owner of Lush: Chikyuu has chin-length hair, and prefers rain forest conservation.